Base prospectuses & supplements

UniCredit Bank AG base prospectuses and supplements prepared on or after July 1, 2005 in accordance with Article 5.4 of Directive 2003/71/EC (Prospecus Directive) as amended and approved by the German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) are available here.

The Final Terms and Conditions, which contain the sole terms and conditions applicable to the security concerned, can be downloaded from the webpage for each product.

  • Base prospectuses of the year

      • Securities Note for Knock-out Securities and Warrants PDF
      • Registration Document (Registrierungsformular) dated 10.04.2024 PDF
      • Registration Document (Registrierungsformular) dated 10.04.2024 PDF
      • Securities Note for the issuance of Securities with Single-Underlying (without capital protection) I PDF
      • Securities Note for Securities with Multi-Underlying (without capital protection) PDF
      • DIP 2023 - Registration Document (Registrierungsformular) English PDF
          • Supplement dated 14.03.2024 PDF
          • Supplement dated 20.12.2023 PDF
      • Securities Note for Knock-out Securities and Warrants PDF
          • Supplement dated 22 May 2024 PDF
          • Supplement dated 14.03.2024 PDF
      • DIP 2023 - Registration Document (Registrierungsformular) English PDF
          • Supplement dated 14.03.2024 PDF
          • Supplement dated 20.12.2023 PDF
      • DIP 2023 - Securities Note for Securities with Single-Underlying (without capital protection) I PDF
          • Supplement dated 14.03.2024 PDF
          • Supplement dated 20.12.2023 PDF
      • DIP 2023 - Securities Note for Securities with Multi-Underlying (without capital protection) PDF
          • Supplement dated 14.03.2024 PDF
          • Supplement dated 20.12.2023 PDF
      • Registration Document 2022 PDF
          • Supplement dated 20.12.2023 PDF
          • Supplement dated 14 March 2023 PDF
      • DIP 2023 - Securities Note for Knock-out Securities and Warrants PDF
          • Supplement dated 14.03.2024 PDF
          • Supplement dated 20.12.2023 PDF
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All the products presented on this site are complex financial instruments and difficult to understand. They are aimed at investors with the specific experience and knowledge to buy and trade these financial instruments.

By acquiring financial instruments, investors take a credit risk on the Issuer [and, where applicable, on its guarantor.] For complete information on the function, structure and risks and opportunities of the security, potential investors should read the Prospectus, which contains the Base Prospectus, Supplements and Final Terms, carefully before making any investment decision. The Base Prospectus and the Supplements have been approved by the Federal Financial  Supervisory Authority and notified to the AFM Autoriteit FinanciĆ«le Markten (The approval of the prospectus is not to be understood as an endorsementof these securities of UniCredit Bank GmbH. Only the Base Prospectus including any supplements and Final Terms shall prevail. These documents may be obtained from UniCredit Bank GmbH, Department MCC, Arabellastr. 12, 81925 Munich, Germany or may be downloaded here 

Potential investors should base any investment decision they make solely on the basis of information contained in the Prospectus (as referred below) and should read the information contained therein carefully, in particular the description of risk factors associated with any in order to fully understand the potential risks and rewards associated with the decision to invest in the securities.